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A performance marketing agency, such as Neelu & Co., specialises in driving tangible results for businesses through data-driven marketing strategies. We focus on measurable outcomes, such as generating sales, leads, or revenue, rather than mere brand awareness or impressions. Therefore, as a business runner, if you are trying to bring in real customers for your products and services, you should consider approaching a top performance marketing agency in India, such as Neelu & Co.

Yes, performance marketing is important for any brand, especially e-commerce businesses, as it helps drive measurable results and a positive return on investment (ROI) from marketing efforts. Most of the time, engaging in mere digital marketing strategies may result in heightened brand visibility only, which may not always convert to actual sales. As you know, any brand could survive the test of time through regular sales only, and performance marketing is your road to salvation.

Common key performance indicators (KPIs) for performance marketing campaigns include metrics like sales or revenue generated, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), conversion rate, and others that directly measure the campaign’s effectiveness in driving desired actions and outcomes. If you are new to the game, these metrics may sound like technical jargon. But, once you start collaborating with Neelu & Co., you would decipher them like the back of your hand.

A good ROAS (return on ad spend) can vary depending on the industry, business goals, and profit margins. However, generally, an ROAS above 3 or 4 is considered good, which means that you get back 3 to 4 rupees for every 1 rupee spent on ads. In short, it means that the business is making a profit from its advertising spend.

Neelu & Co. specialises in creating highly customised marketing campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. As a leading Meta ads expert in India, we are great at what we do and could bring in substantial results for you from the first week itself.

Neelu & Co. has a robust client onboarding process, which includes initial discovery calls, creating private communication channels, in-depth questionnaires, strategy calls, competitive research, ads account setup, and creative asset development. This is to ensure that our clients meet the minimum requirements so that we will be able to provide you the best results.